Taste The World


The Ashley.Maybe Experience

Experience Zanzibar, Tanzania

7nights/8 days

“While I’ve been having a blast here in Zanzibar since relocating as of Nov. 2021, I have missed the states and MIAMI so much. Miami rubbed off and I’m slowly but surely bringing it here!

I’ve partnered with a great friend and renowned Cuban Cigar Company based in Miami called Tight Ashes. Eddy Consuegra is the proprietor of Tight Ashes Co. and a long time friend that I met while I lived in Miami. I’m not a connoisseur so I’ve trusted Eddy to curate variety and the best quality for my guest’s experience in Zanzibar. We have 3 flavors to suite your palette best.”

Who is Ashley.Maybe and what is The Ashley.Maybe Experience?


Owner of The Ashley.Maybe Experience and International Chef

“The Ashley.Maybe Experience is a live introduction into vibrational and intuitive cooking, and touring each new country through food. Our first destination for this underpinning is Zanzibar, Tanzania. Since my introduction to the international culinary world, I've been inspired by so many styles, people, and spices. The Foundation of my skill set is rooted in African-American tradition and everything I learned from my family. How to listen to your food to know when it’s finished or calling “season to taste” what it truly means.. When that All Knowledgeable voice tells you to stop. Each meal is prepared vibrationally and intentionally with added nutrients to elevate average comfort food.

This is your chance to be engulfed into the natural beauty, food, and culture of East Africa. Through vibrationally prepared meals with you in mind and curated excursions, you will be immersed in the very reason I came here on vacation and decided to stay! Each day will begin with a boozy brunch and let the rest of the day take us away.”

If you’d like “The Ashley.Maybe Experience” to bring an exciting event to your establishment, or would like to book a consultation to help train front house and kitchen staff, please fill out this form and book an appointment.